Jeremiah 1:5-10 details Jeremiah's call to be a prophet to the nations. Yes! God called him before the foundations of the world, yet Jeremiah recognized his need for instruction to be all God wanted him to be. Likewise, great worship leaders are predestined before birth, still they need instruction, space and grace to evolve into the powerful worship leader God intends.
evolveU is a vehicle by which worship leaders can be mentored spiritually and trained practically to be effective worship leaders. With over 20 years experience and a clear mandate from God, Benita is set to train the next generation of leaders. evolveU can be tailored to fit your specific church needs.
Option 1: evolveU Worship Leader Mentorship
*worship leading tools 101
*exhortation: so much to say
*selecting songs: monthly forecasts
*discerning the spirit of the house: tapping in
*leading with confidence: being your authentic self (lessons from the life of David)
*lifestyle of glory carriers: cleans hands; pure heart
*effective leading: a thinking sport
Option 2: evolveUs Team Mentorship
*transforming worship team members/ choir into leaders: worship leading tools 101
*lifestyle of glory carriers: clean hands; pure heart
*the importance of unity between worship team and choir: team building
*demonstration of worship
*culminates into a worship night experience featuring your worship team and Benita Jones
Option 3: evolveUniversity Church-wide Worship Conference
*Saturday worship conference for the entire congregation (you’re welcome to open it to the public or invite other local worship teams)
*intensive training and teaching for worship teams and choir: team building
*intensive training and teaching for your worship band (taught by Virgil Straford, Minstrel and Producer)
*what shall we say to these things: congregation’s response and responsibility
*Saturday evening worship concert or Sunday morning worship experience with Benita Jones