Corporate logo supplied as vectored image (.jpeg, .png or .psd) format
Link to corporate website
Sponsor Advantages
Connect with the Right People
Visibility with hundreds of conference participants
Recognition during onsite events, in conference materials, social media, and online.
Complimentary conference registrations
Align your brand with an organization committed to helping individuals evolve
Promote your Company
Contribute to the Experience
Increase ROI
All sponsorships include access to conference and concert, breakfast and lunch in addition to a souvenir tote bag
Commemorative mug for platinum sponsors.
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
Conference Refreshment Breaks
Attendee souvenir item(s)
Coffee Stand
Local Treats
Popcorn Cart
Charging Station
Keynote Sponsor
Lanyards-As the sponsor of the lanyards, your company gets great visibility, literally walking billboards.
Saturday Morning Breakfast- verbally recognized as the sponsor of the breakfast. Includes logo recognition before the session begins on the stage screen and website logo and link.